Saturday, April 19, 2008

Why Chilled White Whine? Jackson Browne~How Do I Love Thee?~

Some people probably think I don't know how to spell "wine".
Ahhhh, but I do! The reason for the title of this blog has nothing to do with vino, a favorite beverage of mine for sure.

No, dear readers. It has to do with Jackson Browne,a man I have loved for over thirty years. A love my husband completely honors and accepts.

Many years ago, a music reviewer (who shall not be honored on my blog; thus no name) sardonically described the songs of my beloved Jackson as "California Rock? Chilled white

Sacrilege I say, blasphemy for those who follow the "Gospel According to Jackson"!

This statement so incensed me (even in my youthful innocence) that I declared that one day, I would write a book claiming this title~Chilled White Whine~A Music Lover's Musings.

I would claim the title as my own, and rescue my lovely Jackson from that label forever more.
Although the book may be in the works one day, I am honoring my promise to myself and Jackson, via this blog.
This is for you, Jackson!
Yes! That would be me and Jackson, October, 2007.


Medusa said...

Jackson = YUM :^)

PS. I love his music too. LOL!

Nancy Ellyn said...

Medusa! Yet another thing we have in common! You are amazing, my dear!

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